Artículos escritos por profesores particulares de Inglés nativos

Publicado por Naomi

A day at the zoo - patting lions in the South of Spain

This zoo is not like others. Zoo de Castellar lies between beautiful mountains halfway between Malaga and Gibraltar in the South of Spain. Before the animal rights activists cast the first stone at me, let me quickly add that Castellar zoo is an animal rescue center. These animals were rescued from black markets and treated badly. Here they get a second chance to a better life, and visitors meet a completely different concept of zoo: they can pl...
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Publicado por Dan

Mastering English conditionals with ´if´

In this article, I am going to talk about the four conditionals using if in English. I will give examples and explain the zero conditional, first, second and third conditionals. The conditionals have certain rules; once you understand these rules and how to apply them, you will be on your way to a better understanding and usage of the conditionals.   The Zero Conditional   Think of a pot of water on the stove. The follow...
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Publicado por Iliana


I don’t cook. Oh, I’ve tried! But I am just not good at it (1) so I spend my evenings eating toasts with guacamole and pretending real food is overrated. There were times when I used to think I was going to eat out at fancy restaurants each and every night. Wow! I’m starting to realize I probably wasn’t the brightest bulb on the porch (2) back then. Then came my teenage years and the pressure from my good-willing mother t...
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Publicado por Adryana

Brain Food: What to eat when revising for an exam

Finals week: the dreaded seven or so days for all college and university students. It’s the time of year when all that matters are grades, grades and more grades, and you go through the several stages of revision (when you're not procrastinating). A common mistake many make during this crucial period is to eat poorly and unhealthily. Junk food, lots of chocolate, energy drinks and crisps are often eaten in place of normal meals to “...
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Publicado por Adryana

12 Reasons Everyone Should Learn Another Language

“I’d love to speak another language, but…” Over the years, I’ve heard more reasons not to learn a language than I ever would have imagined. I even used to make excuses for myself, before I learned my first new language, Spanish. I’ve yet to hear (or come up with) a single good reason for not learning a language. That’s right.  What about good reasons to start learning a new language? I know hundred...
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Publicado por Adryana

Here are 100 things (in no particular order) you can do to improve your English

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them. Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking. Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine. Tell your family and fri...
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Publicado por Adryana

Do you know what the difference between toward and towards is??

  I know many people think that grammar and vocabulary are boring and there's nothing else interesting to learn about them , but through my Blog I'll show you how many interesting and even funny new things you can learn about these two important topics in the process of learning English. Who uses “toward” “Toward” is most often preferred in American English and Canadian English, although Canadian English speakers and writers are more tolera...
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Publicado por Iliana

With a little help from my F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

English is an “international” language not only because it’s an official language of many countries, but because it is one of the most widely used languages to communicate with others all over the globe doing business, making friends, asking for help, legislating on matters of international law, or simply and most gratifyingly sharing music, literature, recipes and other cultural wealth among nations. There are, of course, loads of (1) differen...
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Publicado por Elvin

Bienvenido El Ministerio del Tiempo or Do be, or not do Be, that's the question!

It is the first question and the answer to this question is not a secret.   I work  You work He, she, it works We work They work   Do you still have questions? Here we go: Do I work? Do you work? Does he, she, it work_? Do we work? Do they work? We use verbs in this way just to show general action. e.g. I work at El Ministerio del Tiempo.        Do you like football?       He knows...
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Publicado por Eva

Preparación Pruebas Cambridge (Nivel B2, First certificate in English). Conocer la prueba.

Si quieres prepararte para las pruebas de Certificación Cambridge, lo primero es familiarizarte con el modelo de examen. Aquí puedes encontrar información para el nuevo modelo del B2, más conocido como "First" actualizado en 2015. Disponer de materiales específicamente diseñados para superar las pruebas es de vital importancia. Varias editoriales han pub...
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Publicado por Shaun

An introduction to my blog and general attitude.

Hola!! I thought that I would start a blog, as I have so many things that I would like to say about teaching English in Spain. What a beautiful country this is! Is teaching a challenge? Of course it is. Is learning a challenge? Yes, of course! However, what is life without challenges? What would life be like without a problem to solve? (resolver). Boring, mundane, pointless, monotonous, uninteresting (all good adjectives!). We all need a challen...
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Publicado por Verena

The best teachers show you where to look but don´t tell zou what to see.

"Teaching offers the chance to change other people's lives permanently for the better!" Experienced and passionate German and Italian teacher, both for adults and children. In addition to that I also teach English for kids and Spanish as a second language! My top 10 qualities: *Demonstrated ability to work independently. *Strong ability to learn new things quickly. *Creativity in my personal teaching methods. *Dedicated to my students. *100% org...
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Publicado por Ana

And the "back to school day" is almost here

For many parents the back to school day is sad, yes, you´ll miss your children, you´ll miss to play with them, you will miss those unique family moments, but... I would say, for almost the great mayority, it will be a moment of back to the calm, and back to routine, and  it will bring calm to your seas too. I face many issues during vacation period, I bust my head trying to realize what activities are best to keep my kids up on something in...
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases

School is coming. And we should start :)

Good night guys!!! We end the day with this picture to remember how we should begin the new course. Begin with good vibes and a lot of energy! Cheer up! (Terminamos el día con una foto para recordar como debemos empezar el curso. ¡Con buen rollo y mucha energía! ¡Ánimo!) Empieza un nuevo curso para muchos alumnos y alumnas. Les deseamos un feliz comienzo de curso y que se esfuercen lo máximo para crear un ...
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