Do you know what the difference between toward and towards is??

I know many people think that grammar and vocabulary are boring and there's nothing else interesting to learn about them , but through my Blog I'll show you how many interesting and even funny new things you can learn about these two important topics in the process of learning English.

Who uses “toward”

“Toward” is most often preferred in American English and Canadian English, although Canadian English speakers and writers are more tolerant of both spellings. For example, the following examples show the incorrect and correct usage according to these preferences:

Viewed as incorrect: She should keep moving towards the bright light.

Viewed as correct: When moving toward the railroad crossing, it is important to adhere to any flashing lights.

Who uses towards

“Towards” is the most often the preferred spelling in British and Australian English. In most cases, these writers view toward as incorrect; although, technically, it is not. The following examples are considered incorrect and correct under these preferences:

Viewed as incorrect: The bus should arrive a little toward the end of the evening.

Viewed as correct: When driving towards the mountains, you want to make sure your tires are properly prepared to drive through snow and over ice.

The stance of specific styles guides and consistency

Most style guides do not expressly state a preference or difference between toward and towards spelling. However, the Associated Press (AP) style dictates that “toward” is always correct and that “towards” is incorrect. In most cases however, either spelling of the word is sufficient, acceptable and correct – even if one is preferred over the other in specific locations. Whether you choose to spell the word with the “s” or without it, always make sure to consistently employ the same spelling.
