An introduction to my blog and general attitude.


I thought that I would start a blog, as I have so many things that I would like to say about teaching English in Spain. What a beautiful country this is!

Is teaching a challenge? Of course it is.

Is learning a challenge? Yes, of course!

However, what is life without challenges? What would life be like without a problem to solve? (resolver). Boring, mundane, pointless, monotonous, uninteresting (all good adjectives!). We all need a challenge, we all need to - s t r e a c h - ourselves, if we want to achieve our dreams. We need to be committed to our passions and our needs.

As intelligent people we all need to be challenged. To grow and flourish!

If you want to learn the English language, you will hopefully return to my blog as I will be uploading many worksheets / tips / ideas, that I have designed myself after 15 years of experience in teaching the beautiful language of ENGLISH!

'Check out' (phrasal verb - investigar) my blog for very regular updates.

Until we meet again.

Have fun!

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Phrasal Verbs connected to money

1. to cut back on spending – this means to spend less than before. To try and reduce your spending. E.g. “I’m going to have to cut back on my spending in order to save up some money”

2. to go upwhen the price of something increases

3. to go downwhen the price of something decreases

4. to splash out – this means to spend quite a lot of money in a care-free way when you go shopping. E.g. “I was feeling a bit depressed, so I went to the shopping centre and just splashed out on some new clothes”

5. to save up – this means to save money. E.g. “I’m saving up for a holiday in Italy next year”

6. to get by – this means to survive, usually on a small amount of money. E.g. “Students in London find it difficult to get by on money they earn from part-time work”

7. to pay something off – this means to completely pay a loan or debt. E.g. “YEAH!!! I’ve finally paid off my student loan!”

8. to take cash out – this means to withdraw money from a bank or cash machine

9. to rip someone off – to charge too much money for something. To give a bad price. E.g. “You always get completely ripped off in Harrods. You can by the same stuff in other shops for much less money.

10. to pay something back – to give money back. When you have borrowed money, you have to pay it back each month.