And the "back to school day" is almost here

For many parents the back to school day is sad, yes, you´ll miss your children, you´ll miss to play with them, you will miss those unique family moments, but... I would say, for almost the great mayority, it will be a moment of back to the calm, and back to routine, and it will bring calm to your seas too.

I face many issues during vacation period, I bust my head trying to realize what activities are best to keep my kids up on something interesting, and the active and healthier the better. As an english teacher, I have the privilege to share those days off with my children, but most of the times I run out of ideas, and there is when the storm uleashes, its like a huge monster coming for me, and as soon as I can possible run, I jump into the computer to google whatever activity saves me from being a playful mom to a crazy green witch.

After the back to school day, a zillion questions pops out of your mind... will they coop with school just fine? will they have trouble with maths? with english? , and as soon as the question pops, you are searching like crazy for a good teacher to make sure they have enough support during the year. And when you thought the storm was already away, all the crazyness comes again, and you find yourself trying to organize all the extracurricular activities, and you jump into your computer, once again, to print a weekly planner to keep on track on every activity of your child.

So yes, I have this extrange mix of feelings, sadness and happiness all at the same time, I´ll miss my children, but I will have time to do something for me too while they are in school, besides preparing work and going back to the University. Yes, I´m going back to school too, I am always going back to school, there is always something new and interesting and wonderful to learn, from University, from kids, from life...

Have a happy back to school day!

