“Lo que con mucho trabajo se adquiere, más se ama.” Aristóteles.

Los que imploran mirando al cielo, los que siguen caminando aunque les tiemblen las piernas, los que siguen luchando aunque todo parezca perdido. Los que sufren pero no se quejan, porque saben que el dolor pasa, el sudor seca, el cansancio termina. Pero hay algo que no desaparece, es la satisfacción de haber alcanzado la cima, una cima que no se alcanza superando a los demás, sino superándose a uno mismo.

Cuando muere el esfuerzo, nace el fracaso.


At its most basic level, education is important because it gives people the baseline skills to survive as adults in the world. These skills include basic literacy and numeracy, as well as the ability to communicate, complete tasks and work with others. Education is essential for nearly every type of job or career, and in many cases, education makes the difference between being able to perform a job safely and accurately and being unable to perform a job at all.

However, many people believe that education is important in life for reasons beyond basic survival skills. Eleanor Roosevelt famously said that education is essential to good citizenship and that education is important to life because it enables people to contribute to their community and their country. Others believe education is important because it helps to answer life's big questions, including questions of how to live, work and love. Still others believe that education is important because it teaches people about the world around them.