Artículos escritos por profesores particulares de Inglés nativos

Publicado por Dan

Understanding the 'Simple past' tense - with quiz!!

The simple past is used to speak about things that happened in the past. Read the following discussion using the simple past tense Dan: Hi Alice, what did you do last weekend?Alice: I did a lot of things. On Saturday, I went shopping.Dan: What did you buy?Alice: I bought some new clothes. I also played tennis.Dan: Who did you play?Alice: I played Ian.Dan: Did you win?Alice: Of course I won!Dan: What did you do after your tennis match.Alice: Well...
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Publicado por Dan

Why should you learn English? What can English do for you?

English has been described as “the language of opportunity”, and by the time you get to the end of this article, we’re pretty sure you’ll agree. If you’re currently in the throes of trying to pick a language to study at school, or you fancy taking on a new language in your spare time, we’re willing to bet that the English speakers of this world would join us in giving you the following words of advic...
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Publicado por Helen

How to correct CVs and personal descriptions

As in the previous article ("How to correct students' essays"), examples of the corrected CVs and personal descriptions speak louder than any articles on how to do it right. Below you'll see my corrections of a career description written by one of my French students. Keep in mind that in a Word format all the corrections are made in red so you can easily spot your mistakes and teacher's feedback. Here the corrections and feedback ...
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Publicado por Helen

How to correct students' essays, examples

Getting straight to the point: here are 2 of my B1 students' essays and my corrections. In this case, examples of the corrected essays speak louder than any articles on how to do it right. Keep in mind that in a Word format all the corrections are made in red so you can easily spot your mistakes and teacher's feedback. Here the corrections and feedback are in italic. Essay 1  Thank you Daria. You have done a great job. I like your ideas and...
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Publicado por Helen

“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”, – English idioms with Alice

“Every adventure requires a first step”  My students are always keen on learning new expressions and idioms. However, recently they’ve been complaining that it’s difficult to find at least 2-3 different idioms in one place: you have to navigate through a lot of distinct websites, sooner or later you get distracted and forget what you were looking for and just go and have a nice cup of tea instead. Well, what do you know –&nbs...
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Publicado por Jorge

Open up your mind! Learn english! Three easy steps wich support you!

      Come on! What are you waiting for! English ain't only bussines language but a world language. Knowing english you'll have access whatever kind of culture in books, movies, songs. Open up your mind! Learn english!      How could you improve your english level? Nice and easy! Three easy step to improve you english listen comprehension!: 1.- Read: Read, read and read. Whatever you want, whenever yo...
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Publicado por Carol

Why Learn English Through Conversation?

There are three processes, (among others) involved in learning English through conversation: 1. By having conversations, we get more exposure to the target language. New items and structures then become available for use. You can read more about the Input Hypothesis / Input Processing Theory by reading up on works by S. Krashen and Bill VanPatten. “The goal of language is for communication...
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases

“Lo que con mucho trabajo se adquiere, más se ama.” Aristóteles.

Los que imploran mirando al cielo, los que siguen caminando aunque les tiemblen las piernas, los que siguen luchando aunque todo parezca perdido. Los que sufren pero no se quejan, porque saben que el dolor pasa, el sudor seca, el cansancio termina. Pero hay algo que no desaparece, es la satisfacción de haber alcanzado la cima, una cima que no se alcanza superando a los demás, sino superándose a uno mismo. Cuando muere el es...
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases

Artículo Bilingüe. Exámenes de la Universidad de Cambridge y TOEIC. (Bilingual article)

Spanish version   Hoy en día, tener fluidez en Inglés es algo que cada vez más colegios, universidades y empresas están exigiendo a alumnos, profesores y empleados.   Y este fenómeno está presionando mucho a la población española, porque la famosa frase:  “Nivel de Inglés: intermedio” que la gente solía mencionar en sus currículums o en entrev...
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Publicado por Helen

What is bilingualism? Does it influence your cognitive development?

 "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way" Frank Smith  I'd like to start my blog with an extremely engaging topic called «Bilingualism and Bilingual Education». Everyone has heard about it, however only very few can explain what actually stands behind this seemingly complicated notion. In a nutshell, bilingualism is fluently speaking two different languages (often since a ver...
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases

4 lessons businesses can learn from Formula One Motor Racing

I recently visited the F1 testing in Barcelona and I was lucky to have a paddock pass and also entry to the Renualt Sport garage area. The trip was forming part of my research for a course I will be hosting at ESIC Valencia on the 6-7th of June 2017 entitled At The Limit, Business Lessons from Formula One Motor Racing. Whilst in the garage I was intrigued and amazed by the unison in which everyone worked in the garage together as one t...
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Publicado por Dan

Top 10 Common Challenges Spanish Speakers Have When Learning English

While English is - supposedly - an easy language to learn (maybe), every native speaker of another language has his or her issues. Today we are looking at the common mistakes that native Spanish speakers make when trying to learn English.   English learners, take a look – you might discover a mistake you didn’t even know you were making. ESOL teachers, bring this list with you to class. And everybody else, read over these mistak...
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Publicado por Marisa

Taking the GMAT versus taking the GRE-- some comparisons

Some business schools and some finance and economics programs will accept either the GMAT or the GRE.  If you can submit scores from either exam and you are wondering which to take, here are some differences to keep in mind.   MATH The concepts on the math sections of each exam are the same—and the level of difficulty doesn’t get higher than quadratic equations.  The concepts on the math sections include: number prope...
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Publicado por Marisa

How much time do I need to prepare for my test?

That completely depends on 1) your current level, for both Math & Verbal, 2) the score you need, 3) when you plan to take the test, 4) the time you realistically have to dedicate to test preparation.   Here are some points to keep in mind:   1)     The Verbal sections on the GRE, GMAT, SAT, & ACT have nothing to do with TOEFL, First Certificate, or any other test of English as a foreign language.  They ...
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