Artículos escritos por profesores particulares de Inglés nativos

Publicado por Georgina

How to Give Effective Presentations - Dos and Don'ts

Source: Tips On Making Presentations -      “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” (Albert Einstein) -      “The best speakers ... grip an audience by telling a story and showing some slides to support that.” (Meinald Thielsch) -      “I'm going to make a long speech because I've not had time to prepare a short one.” (Winston Churchill) BAS...
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Publicado por Georgina

Writing a Motivation Letter – Guidelines

(A) SOME GENERAL MOTIVATION LETTER WRITING TIPS: 1 - The motivation letter may be one of the pieces of writing required in a postgraduate degree application process. It is an opportunity for you to distinguish yourself from other applicants, so you should do your best to take advantage of it. 2 - Writing a good motivation letter takes time. Make sure you start writing it well before the deadline!  3 - The admissions board wants to...
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases

5 tips on how to improve your English watching TV series and films in original version

    Watching TV series and films in original is a great tool while learning English. It helps you to improve listening comprehension and gives you a bust of vocabulary that is being used in real situations. First of all, you get to know that people are using real spoken language and in addition it is followed by gestures, mimics and visual context which helps memorise words. I need to admit it is a great fun watching TV but also requir...
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Publicado por Kelly

Frequently Asked Questions/Funny Dialogues

Student: How much do you charge? Kelly: I am not selling tomatoes. I cannot quote a fixed price. Even if I was selling tomatoes, prices would depend on the season, sales, etc. A professional teacher would never throw a fixed price at you without getting some backgroundi nfo. My prices range from 9-28 euros an hour depending on what you qualify for and what you need, not just what you want. ......................................................
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Publicado por Luka

Five essential listening skills for English learners

Five essential listening skills for English learners 1. Predicting content Imagine you've just turned on your TV. You see a man in a suit standing in front of a large map with the symbols of a sun, clouds and thunder. What do you imagine he is about to tell you? Most likely, this is going to be a weather forecast. You can expect to hear words like 'sunny', 'windy' and 'overcast'. You'll probably hear the use of the future tense: ...
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Gabriela Renee
Publicado por Gabriela Renee

Confusing words: Lend or borrow - English Grammar

  For many English learners these two verbs are a little bit confusing. The confusion occurs mainly because both: lend and borrow have almost the same meaning. First of all, LEND means to give something to someone for a short time, expecting you'll get it back.             "I lend her my book yesterday." LEND is an irregular verb, which means it does not take the “–ed” ending....
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Publicado por Gerard

Don't panic! when you prepare English presentations and you're not a native speaker.

Many pals asks me how do I deal with stress when I speak to international audiences. And my answer's always happens to be the same.  -I'm good at business presentations because I'm shameless. People got surprised when they hear my reply. But I just keep on explaining... To become a good professional in communication fields it's imperative to make believe your audience you're saying the most important thing in the whole world, and to re...
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Publicado por Maria

My love for Britain and some other tips I could have done with during my time in England

Hello! This is my first publication, I am really happy I can do this and look forward to many more. I love being an English teacher, because I adore teaching but mainly because I adore the English language and culture. For some reason the British have a bit of a bad reputation, and most regard them as cold, snobbish and distant. Having lived there for over 11 years I had the oportunity to get to know them well, and have to disagree with this wid...
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Publicado por Miyeryck

Guide for travelling to a Spanish spoken country

Description:   This is a guide that will give to  you the most important keys and help to learn spanish and survive in a spanish spoken country. If you are thinking about travelling to take vacations or a bussines trip this is the best way to do it without givingup by trying. Section 1: In this section you will learn greettings, remember you can´t be too polite or unpolite, when you need to ask for somethig you must greet and look them...
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Juan Ignacio
Publicado por Juan Ignacio


Hi,   I would like to start this blog, talking about a very controversial matter, and also very interesting from my point of view. The other day, chatting wih a friend, regarding teaching English, he got a bit upset. During the conversation he could not understand that in order to speak a language, you need to spend most of the time developing your conversational skills: basically speaking, speaking and speaking. Why nearly 50% of Spanish p...
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