Publicado por AndreyStudying a new language can be very stressful and time-consuming. And many times, we tend to study this new language in our own country of origin - therefore, not having the opportunity to practice daily with native speakers.
A little about myself, I was born in Ukraine - and when I was 7 years old, my family and I packed everything up, and left our country to live in Denver Colorado USA. As a child, it was a very difficult experience for me sin...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por RichardHave you stopped and asked yourself this question?
Have you thought about why you started learning English?
I am guessing, like so many people you started learning English in school. Then your parents probably felt it was important and sent you to an academy.
Myabe you were lucky enough to live in an English speaking country for a while.
But why is this important?
I always like to know the "why" because it helps me understand your mo...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por Núria“Teacher talk: the secrets of comprehensible speech for non-native speakers of English” is a reading published by Pearson Education and written by Pearson Longman on 2006 which gives us advice about what kind of strategies we should use in our classroom to be better communicators.
First of all, for Longman the central theme of the chapter are the skills and tricks that teachers use in their classrooms to achieve a successful communication...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por GemaWelcome everyone!
I would love to introduce you to my small, teeny-tiny project.
Some of you may already know me, some of you don't, so I will introduce myself in case you are new around here!
My name is Gema and I am an English tutor. I have been teaching English for the past 6 years now, which has been such a rewarding experience for me that I can't help sharing it with everybody who is eager to learn more and more about the English language.
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por TusclasesAre you learning a new language? Do you like to cook? I do, but I like to eat even more.
PIcking up recipes in a new language is one of the best ways to learn about a new culture (and even learn a little about your own in the process) while deepening your understanding of the language.
Cooking Spanish recipes and eating with native Spanish speakers is by far my favorite way to immerse myself in the language. I can spend all day talking about foo...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesHello again! Hola de nuevo!! :)
En el blog de hoy, quiero hablar de un tema que en todas mis clases de inglés, toma un rol muy protagónico. Aquí os presento una lista de los "False Friends" más comunes:
Spanish Word(English Translation)
Similar English Word(Spanish Translation)
actual (current, present-day)
actual (real, efectivo)
americano (person from North orSouth America)
american (estadounidense)
aprension (fe...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesThe Call is a worldwide acclaimed American thriller released in 2013. The plot starts one night when the 911 emergency operator, Jordan, receives a life-altering phone call from a teenager saying that a prowler was trying to break into her house. Still suffering because of the incident that doomed the girl's life to death, Jordan uncovers a sadist serial killer and focuses on his tireless hunt and capture before he can trap his next victim.
The ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesMovies can bring the world to your students in very realistic ways. Films are multisensory, they have the ability to create an emotional connection between the message and the interlocutor in powerful ways. Furthermote, they can help you as a teacher not only to achieve your classroom goals, but also to introduce values and to raise awareness about current topics. Stories introduced through movies can create connections across time, place and cu...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesHi again!!
In this blog, i want to focus on the specific needs students have when it comes to english learning.
One day, one of my students came up to me and told me she wanted to improve her english skills at work. This kind of request drops you of guard, as you aways prepare your classes, focusing on the main english skills: Writing, reading, listening etc. Well, we had a discussion about it and we decided to focus her english classes on HR sk...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesHello all!!
This time i am going to do something different to the previous blogs and that is to write in english....I think it is where i feel more comfortable! ;)
In today´s blog i want to focus on one of the most important skills ever known: Reading.
As you may have noticed, reading is a rich skill where society and the actual reading skill interect. From my personal point of view, it is one of the most fulfilling and worthwhile past-times. Al...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesIt's wintertime and this only means one thing: my students keep telling me about their toilet problems again. What is it with Spanish speakers? They share too much! Then they keep telling me how they ate lots of jam and had a lot of nice discussions with their families over Christmas. But I can't say I'm innocent of any mistakes!
Only today I realized I have been using the word 'grano' for grain in Spanish. I realized this whilst doing the ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin's Franklin is sooooo true!!!!
I believe that when a student is involved, he/she truly learns. This is part of my methodology of teaching foreign languages. I’ve been teaching for more than 20 years and making the student involved is a key to teaching with success. Not only does the student get motivated, but you, as an instructor, look for different ways to make ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesEnglish is the second most spoken langauage in the world, it is estimated that around over 53 million people speak English. Due to this English is now the main language of certain eceonmic fields such as sicence, avation and information technology. due to such fields adopting English as it main language it is of no suprise that business is also adopting it as their main field.
Therefore i would recomend anyone to learn English as a second ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases
Learning a language is all about changing habits in your brain. I think that some techniques that people use like studying long vocabulary lists, memorizing phrasal verbs, even this focus on grammar, is an attempt to short circuit a process which actually takes a long time. It takes a lot of exposure, a lot of reading and listening and, eventually, speaking in order to create new habits.
I have been teaching English in Spain for 7 ye...
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