Artículos escritos por profesores particulares de Inglés nativos

Publicado por Mariia

Teaching children of the 4-6 year old group

Children can be divided into 2 main age groups: 4-6 and 7-9 years old. In the following article we are going to learn about the 4-6-year-old kids, who has just begun their learning path and are getting ready for school. They have an inner motivation to learn and the process of studying is like a game for them. Kids are very active and can’t focus attention for a lot of time, yet. That’s why the optimal lesson’s length for this age group is 25 m...
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Publicado por Alexandra

Coursebook analysis: gender, racial issues, geographic and linguistic backgrounds of speakers.

B1 level: English File Intermediate 4th edition (Oxford) In order to identify whether the course book contains any traces of gender or racial discrimination as well as to see what linguistic backgrounds the speakers have, unit 2B (Changing lives) was analysed. This unit focuses on the world globalisation, therefore, some pieces of listening and reading are presented to cover the topic of multinational and multiconfessional world. The first two...
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Publicado por Nancy

Teaching English as a young teacher. My experience.

Hello! I´m Nancy, I have been teaching English for 1 year and 8 months. I want to share you some of my experiences as a young teacher (since I´m 22 years old). I remember the first time when I gave my classes, it was a group of 5 people were most of them were older than me (talking about persons that were already on their 40's, 50's ). The first impression is very important as you may already know so, when I entered the class their reactio...
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Publicado por Mauricio

To speak English you need to think English

[Spanish version]   Fluency in your second language Hundreds of videos say you need to think in English, that´s completely true. Why? In short: translating back and forth all the time makes things too slow and stress your mind a lot. It is just too much work for your brain to be translating all the time. I tell you: "All geese are birds but not all birds are geese"(weird phrase... let´s supp...
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Publicado por Yolanda

¿Que test necesito? IELTS o TOEFL? -guía basica!

Bienvenido a un nuevo Post!, la idea de esta informacion que leeras ahora es simplemente brindar una ayuda a los candidatos que necesitan saber que desicion tomar! si tienes dudas o te gustaria saber mas sobre estos test no dudes en contactarme por privado!, recuerda que la informacion presente en este articulo es informativa y no quiere quitar valor ya sea al IELTS o al TOEFL.  ¿Que piensas ahora de la desicion que debes tomar? Si bien amb...
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Publicado por Yolanda

How can you improve your students listening?

No one pays attention to how fundamental can be improving the listening in the students, and listening is fundamental, this is because most of your students are learning the language to be able to verbally communicate. Most of new teachers believe that by helping your students speak in English is great and enough to make them speak, but that will not help them in a conversation unless they can understand what others are saying. Throughout your c...
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Publicado por Julia

How to teach CVC words to children. A few simple yet effective ideas.

What are CVC words? Words that follow the consonant-vowel-consonant pattern, e.g. cat, hat, mat, etc. These are the first words to be read in English by a child. Let's talk about how we can teach them. I have activities with images when I first introduce my students to CVC words. That's what the kids need and I'll gradually take the pictures away only after they learn to segment and blend sounds in CVC words. When I prepare a CVC reading course,...
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Publicado por Julia

7 effective tips for learning times tables

"Are there ways to make learning times tables fun?" Memorising the multiplication table is a vital skill that children must master before entering secondary school. Here are a few tips to help your kids: Hang up the multiplication table. The more often children see, practise and see repeating patterns, the more likely they are to learn their times tables. Start with the simplest. There is controversy over which order is the best way to teach th...
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Publicado por Julia

The benefits of visual learning and teaching

Why is visual learning and teaching important? The numbers may vary slightly but 83% of people learn by seeing, 11% by hearing and the remaining 6% learn by touching, moving and doing. The research has shown that visual teaching helps students better interact with materials and memorize them by 29 - 42% better. It also develops higher-order thinking skills, i.e. critical thinking skills (Bloom's Taxonomy). It meet the needs of “visual” learners...
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Publicado por Mauricio

Your pronunciation really matters to understand what you hear

Listening comprehension through pronunciation (click para la versión en Español) Everyone who has a second language wants to be good at pronunciation. If you speak or you are learning a new tongue I´m sure you want sound well. Suppose that your first is Spanish and your second is English. You will experience difficulties when achieving new sounds for vowels and consonants. Take “talk” for example. At first you will pronounce it as you rea...
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Publicado por Tusclases

Ventajas y desventajas de un profesor nativo de inglés

Ventajas de escoger un profesor de inglés nativo Los beneficios de elegir un profesor cuya lengua materna sea el inglés son muchos. Una virtud que solo los locales pueden aportar. Para la educación en línea, nada es más importante que un buen tutor. Ten un mejor vocabulario. Ser un hablante nativo de inglés significa que tienes un vocabulario mejor y más diverso. Algunas frases, expresiones, palabras o estructuras de dialectos no se estudian en...
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Michael O'Connell
Publicado por Michael O'Connell

Un Poema Misterioso Para Probar Vuestra Comprensión y Pronunciación

Durante el tiempo enseñando inglés, lo que me ha gustado más que nada - a los alumnos también - es crear mis propios materiales para las clases. Esto me permite diseñar la clase específicamente para los habilidades de los propios alumnos, y además, engañar a ellos mismos para que entren mi mundo y lo exploremos juntos. Me gusta especialmente crear poemas e historias. Poemas, por qué tienen una gran capacidad por el misterio, mientras están lleno...
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Publicado por Alexandra

Gospel Recordings Network as a massive linguistic project

The documentary “Tailenders” is dedicated to a social project organized by a missionary organization called Gospel Recordings. It is aimed at spreading audio recordings of Bible stories in every language of Earth and getting the message of Christ across the world. Gospels and evangelistic stories are spread in poor communities by means of low-tech audio devices so that the locals could hear and understand God’s words in their heart language. At ...
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Publicado por Marina

Una colección de pensamientos o ventajas del aprendizaje basado en el pensamiento

El pensamiento también tiene varios tipos: figurativo, abstracto, lógico, creativo. El pensamiento figurativo es un tipo de pensamiento que se caracteriza por la dependencia de ideas e imágenes. Por ejemplo, un artista concibe una imagen en detalle y la dibuja. Ejercicios: Piense en algunas personas con las que hablaste hoy:  Describe en detalle su ropa, peinado, color de ojos en inglés .  Busque las palabras nuevas en el diccciona...
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