Publicado por CarlaIs there more pros than cons being a person who speaks English in a native way in another country? To know about the answer, continue reading.....
A person who arrives at another country to teach people his/her native language it can be easy or it can be complicated. It depends on if she/he knows the language of the country in which he/she lives. This will depend on how classes can be given.
A teacher that doesn´t control the language spoke...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por MauricioLanguage is to communicate
(click para la versión en Español)
You are used to do certain activities and not others.
You do not wear any clothes but the ones that fit you, those that make you look pretty and fell well.
I am sure that talking about intimate issues with a close friend or with anyone else is not the same for you.
In short, there are many things and actions you are used to, that make you sense safety and in control. It has been large...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por Ana BelénHello everyone;
Hoy os traigo este post para explicar cómo y cuándo utilizar el past simple.
¿Para qué se emplea?
Se podría resumir que el past simplese utiliza para hablar de situaciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y que ya no tienen ninguna validez en el presente.
¿Cómo me expreso en este tiempo?
Easy peasy o como diríamos en español, ¡pan comido!
Emplearemos los verbos regulares y los irregulares en su forma pasada (la...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por AlexandraThe world around us as well as the relationships, whether they are social, political, national, sexual, cultural or any other, are perceived through the language. Also language can be treated as a key factor in obtaining political power, economic resources, education, social status or cultural resources. In other words, language issues matter, having a tremendous impact on various facets of people’s life.
In order to study an ongoing conversatio...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por Alexandra
The topic shopping may be appropriate for an open group of pre-intermediate teen-age learners with mixed or similar abilities. Shopping, especially under parents’ supervision, might arouse students’ curiosity and activate their schemata, something they have already experienced. Definitely, this topic may help them understand the meaning of the whole text at the stage of gist reading, do comprehension tasks at the stage of close reading and get ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por JuliusHow often do you talk about learning with youtr students? Have you ever asked them how they learn best? Do you adapt your lessons to suit your learners? What methods and techniques and approaches do you use in the classroom? Reflecting on these questions are fundamental to developing as a teacher.
In this article, I will talk about teaching methods and I hope it encourages you to reflect on your teaching practice, explore new ideas and ultimate...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por CristinaSeguramente muchas veces te has propuesto aprender inglés; ya bien sea porque es un idioma necesario para tu trabajo, para superar tus cursos académicos o por el placer de aprender, pero con el paso del tiempo, lejos de hacerlo lo que has conseguido es olvidar lo que ya habías aprendido. O por el contrario sabes que necesitas aprender inglés pero los idiomas no son lo tuyo o simplemente el inglés no te gusta.
Sea cual sea el nivel que poseas de ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por ConradWelcome to my world.
The world is not perfect. We have seen that with the Covid-19 pandemic that forced us to pause in all of our normal routines. We have seen this in the way schools in Europe suffered outbreaks, and in the UK where several universities' halls of residences were under different types of lockdown.
This led many schools to turn to online teaching solutions and with that the differences from learning ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por JuliusChoice of Focus
The focus of this essay will be helping elementary learners with informal writing. Getting lower level students to write informal letters and postcards is important for a variety of reasons especially when we consider the context of teaching monolingual classes in Spain. I have noticed a shift in how learners’ perceive their needs when it comes to writing. Whereas 10 years ago most learners mentioned the desire ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por JuliusDictogloss differs from more traditional EFL dictations in a number of ways. The most important difference is that the dictogloss approach centers on grammar and allows both students and teachers to identify what learners do not know and what they need to know (Wajnryb 10). The beauty of this approach is that it allows for a compromise between what learners feel they want= grammar, and what teachers want to give them= “communicative ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por AdinsonBy doing the shorter pronunciation of the words below, you will sound more natural at the time of speaking english. let´s see it...
familia: family (fém-li) e.g. I have a large family
interesante: interesting (ín-tres-ting) e.g. I am watching an interesting movie
comodo: comfortable (cámf-tebol) e.g. This is comfortable chair
vegetal: vegetable (véch-tebol) e.g. Children don't like vegetable
CHOCOLATE: chocolate (chóc-leit) e....
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por TusclasesTeaching Suggestions
Here are some activities to use in the classroom to help upper intermediate learners with adjectives.
Adjective auction
Aim: To make learners aware of the position and order of adjectives.
Procedure: Give each pair of students a list of 15 sentences taken from a recent writing assignment they have completed. Tell students they have 1,000 euros and have to gamble on whether the sentences are correct or not and r...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por JuliusIn this essay I am going to examine teaching the features of adjectives to upper intermediate learners studying general English in Spain. I think it is important for my learners to become more aware of how adjectives are used in communication both receptively and productively because it matches their needs. A majority of upper intermediate learners in my context want to pass the FCE exam but they often lack the words to do it.&...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por JuliusMeaning
I find that many of my upper intermediate learners in Spain have not yet established a solid connection between form and hypothetical meaning. And although these same learners understand the concept of hypothetical meaning, they do not always understand the shades of meaning when it comes to negative truth value. In my experience I have found learners do not grasp the differences between describing what we assume to be untrue in the...
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