Artículos escritos por profesores particulares de Inglés nativos

Publicado por Kelly

Puppets are Your Friend: Using puppets for Young Learners

Have a young learner that is shy? Will only use their L1? Then maybe it's time to bring in the puppets. In my first year of teaching, I was offered a class with 12 four-year-olds. Since I was a desperate and very new teacher, I immediately took the job. Armed with my knowledge of teaching fresh in my mind from the TEFL course I took a month eariler, I set off to face the army of children.  Of course, as all the teachers reading this now hav...
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Publicado por Cris

English is FUN! all those phrasal verbs you have hated are actually your friends

English has become a MUST & should be FUN.   Nowadays, you are required to have communication skills in English for many purposes and it is very important to be able to enjoy any kind of learning path. If you do not enjoy the classes or find these attractive enough to engage you, it is very likely that you will find it difficult to retain any knowledge. If you have had some negative experience in the past, whether it was during your sch...
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Publicado por Sophie

Nemo is a "ghoti"? Stop clowning around!

My last article in English touched on some of the difficulties with spelling and pronunciation of the days of the week. Now I'd like to show you just how diverse English spelling is and how different spelling combinations can produce the same sounds. To do this, I'll be using the word 'fish'. By using English pronunciation logic (if we can call it that!) it's possible to spell 'fish' as "ghoti". I promise I'm not clowning around! .... Get it?......
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases

The days of the week and the Viking gods

My first article in Spanish talked about the coming of the New Year. For the first contribution in English, I'd like to talk about the days of the week. Of all the first words we learn in English, they're arguably the most difficult to spell and pronounce. Have you ever wondered why? Okay, let's start with the easier days, which have their roots in Ancient Greek and Roman culture: Sunday  (Sun's day) from the Old English sunn...
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Publicado por Stephanie

A fun way to engage children; make Slime!

Last month, I tried a new experiment with my children which is very popular online nowadays, it is called “slime”. Before I took the decision to do this lesson I needed to know why everybody is obsessed with slime what it was.  WHAT IS SLIME? Slime magic starts when you add something called sodium borate to water. In laundry detergent, these are already mixed, but some slime makers do it themselves. Homemade slime is sticky, goo...
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Publicado por Adryana

8 Practical Ways to Learn All the Foreign Language Vocabulary Needed for Conversational Fluency

Did you know that 1,000 words can get you a long, long way in a foreign language? It might not seem that easy when you’re looking at the raw numbers. The Oxford English Dictionary includes more than 170,000 English word entries. The "Hanyu Da Cidian" dictionary  includes 370,000 Mandarin Chinese words, and the " Explanatory Dictionary of the living Great Russian" includes 200,000 Russian words. Most languages have similar num...
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Publicado por Cicely

This Los Angeleno is coming to Seville!!

Greetings, Spaniards! I am so much looking forward to arriving in Spain in two weeks - I’m initially staying in Madrid, then moving on to my new home of Seville (Macarena). I am coming because my mentor (baile) needs physical therapy (and I will help her in exchange for being mentored! Physical therapy rehab is one of the things I do), I would like to improve my Spanish and experience your rich culture, and I am a UK citizen, so it’s...
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases


L'ELOGI Els pares ens sentim orgullosos i feliços quan els nostres fills i filles demostren tenir un talent, una habilitat excepcional o treuen notes brillants a l’escola. I és clar, com a pares carinyosos, els elogiem generosament, sovint massa, els adulem creient que estem augmentant la seva autoestima i rendiment – que si quina filla més llesta que tinc, que si quant talent, que si tu sí que en saps... ...
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Publicado por Adryana

When to Use Gerunds and Infinitives: 5 Simple Rules for English Learners

What is your hobby? What do you love doing? Going to the beach? Playing video games? Hiking (walking)? singing? Dancing? Nice! These are all examples of gerunds. Now, what if I ask you what you want to do every day? Maybe you are learning to draw. Maybe all you want to do is to read comic books. Maybe you are planning to start your own business. Or maybe you will soon decide to travel the world! These are also hobbies, a...
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Publicado por Adryana

Can learning English Grammar be fun? 17 Fun and Easy Ways to Learn English for ESL Learners

17 Fun and Easy Ways to Learn English for ESL Learners Struggling with English grammar? Or are you getting tired of your textbook? The key to learning English well is to not give up. But how can you stay motivated when you’re frustrated or bored? Try something new.  Here are some ideas to make your studying more fun and effective.   1. Add Some Music Listening to music while you study English can wake up your mind and put you in a bett...
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Publicado por Sarah

How to start talking in a foreign language?

There are 3 rules of thumb   Rule number 1: Do not translate from your own language Rule number 2: Pretend there is no other way to communicate than using the foreign language. Rule number 3 Use all non verbal communication skills to aid your listener to understand     INSPIRING QUOTES FOR ENGLISH LEARNERS Quote                                   ...
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Publicado por Sarah

Why do we must open ourselves to learn languages?

 The fear to the unknown Learning foreign languages has been a struggle for most of the students. The reason is simple, it is generally taught from a very small perspective: that is to acquire a different language than the native one. Focusing mainly in long lists of vocabulary, irregular verbs, memorise grammar structures, and little more. Though it is important to have all those things clear, when we use a foreign language; it is definite...
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Publicado por Raymond


For foreign learners of English; once you have acquired a good knowledge of the grammar at intermediate level, you should be speaking quiet well and manage the language with ease. There are three aspects in English you need to master well, having a good grasp of them allows you to conquer the language. Reading : It is important to practice reading English well. When you read well, you are bound to speak well. Read texts and written pieces in Eng...
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El equipo de Tusclases
Publicado por El equipo de Tusclases


          Quan parlem d’hàbits potser pensem més en com trencar els hàbits dolents més que no pas en com adquirir-ne nous de bons. Deixar de fumar, reduir la quantitat de cafè, deixar de menjar embotits que augmenten el colesterol! Si tothom sap com n’és de difícil trencar un mal hàbit, aleshores la mala notícia és que adquirir un hà...
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