Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesIs it possible to teach 19th century theories using sweets in a secondary school classroom? I have found a new way of teaching abstract concepts like “private ownership of industry,” “classless society,” and “economic competition” in a way that it is more appealing to my students. I got excellent results and that's why I want to share this class with you.
OBJECTIVES: Learn the core concepts of the Communist theory of Kar...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesWhy grade?
The goal of grading students is to establish their level of competency in a subject - isn’t it? Or is to measure their progress when compared with the results of a previous test? Or is it to measure the competency of the teacher? Or is it for the student to see how much better they are than their classmates? Or is it for the HR Manager to justify spending company money on an English course for its staff?
I would argue, with the except...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por El equipo de TusclasesCan you learn a language in 3 months? What if I told you, YES.
The trick is very simple - SPECIFIC LEARNING.
If I gave you 3 months to learn english with an english language book do you think you could do it? I doubt it. There is too much volume! But, what if I gave you 3 months to learn about the parts of the guitar in english. Do you think we could have a full conversation about that after 3 months? OF COURSE! Why? Its simple,...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por SophieEver met anyone who's all gong and no dinner? This is a Northern English phrase meaning all talk and no action. It refers to the practice of banging a small gong to summon the family to dinner and reflects the disappointment felt when someone makes a promise of things to come but fails to deliver on that promise. If you liked that, then here are some more great food idioms to get your teeth into* (pun intended!)
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por MichaelWhen we decide to learn another language, a lot of old thinking about the learning process comes up for us. We remember the long, slow, sleepy days of dull classrooms, and the awful expectation that we must "learn something" (though what we were supposed to be learning was not always very clear). Why were we learning this language, and why must it be so dull and boring?
Learning does not have to be chore. It does not have to be a boring and glum...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por Blanca
As a teacher I am always searching for new ways or methods, in order to improve my classes and help my students.
This days I have heard a lot about the ''Mindfulness'', a new innovative way of focusing. Moment-by-moment awarenessof thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surronding environment.
In my work the most common obstacles while learning are the distractions, that fly which is passing through the window o...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por SophieAs well as talking about the here and now, it's useful to be able to discuss future outcomes and to speak hypothetically in English. To do this, we need to look at the 4 conditionals, to which I've decided to give an Arthurian theme, since the King Arthur story is steeped in mystery and speculation.
King Arthur Statue, Tintagel, Cornwall (UK)
The Zero Conditional
If + present simple + present simple
If you pul...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por SophieWith the Easter break just around the corner (and a 4-day weekend if you live in Spain!) you might need to know the difference between these words; especially if you're planning to go further afield. We'll look at each of them one-by-one.
The first we'll study is 'trip'. This noun is countable and refers to the whole holiday (or business) experience which usually lasts a relatively short period of time. Eg. They went on an amazing two-week ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por is Valentine´s day and I have been given a write about the time I fell in love with English...and I must confess that it is hard to know exactly when because I started studying English when I was like 8 :) But honestly i can remember when I decided to become an English teacher...well actually since I was a little girl I loved playing role games pretending I was a teacher...I also loved helping my little cousins to ...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por AdryanaEverything started when I was more or less 16. My mother used to tell me that I was gonna end up being a teacher, but at that time I wanted to be a scientist ,so I was just thinking about studying Chemistry, Biology and Physics . So at that time, when I was just 16, I used to spend the afternoons teaching to my classmates or friends any subject related to science, like Math. They even paid me with presents and candy. I didn´t ask them to p...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por Igor TavanPublicidad de la presentación del curso en el Conservatorio profesional de música de Valencia:El batería de Jazz Igor Tavan junto a colaboradores como el trombonista Toni Belenguer actual profesor del conservatorio superior de jazz de Valencia y del Esmuc en Barcelona nos presenta su curso intensivo."INTENSIVE MUSICAL TRAINING WORKSHOP" - TALLER INTENSIVO DE DESARROLLO DE HABILIDADES PARA INSTRUMENTISTAS Y CANTANTESTodos los niveles y estilos mu...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por CarlosFor Neoclassical economics a firm faces technological change in terms that certain combinations of inputs produce a given amount of output. Examples of technology are defined according to relationships (or combination) between inputs such as fixed proportion and perfect substitution. Then, the idea of technology is a list of the feasible production plans resulting for combination of inputs.
In this framework technology present two propertie...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por SophieThe Spanish-speakers among you may have already read my article ¡Ssshhh! Las letras silenciosas en inglés. So now I'd like to look at a close relative of the silent letter, which is the silent syllable. Like the silent letter, the silent syllable also affects pronunciation and, when used correctly, separates the near-natives from the not-so-native speakers. Who new silence could actually make you sound more native?
As I mentioned in my article a...
Continuar leyendo » Publicado por SophieCats are one of the most searched subjects on the Internet. So, for all those feline lovers out there, I thought we'd look at all the words and expressions related to cats. Here it goes!
1. Words which include CAT
Okay, so these don't really have anything to do with the animal but it's simple way to start.
CATastrophe CATegory CATering CATalonia &nbs...
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