Sometimes we can feel that our price is less than a dolar. Other days we thought that our goals are too hight for us but we cannot forget that a butterfly came from a worm and rigth now she can fly and feel the wind.
If somobody tells you that you can´t, take off your ears and just play your favorite music.
If you are tired and wanna give up, pick up a flower and just smell it.
If you see that your friend do it better, close off your eyes and just enjoy it.
If you feel blue you just have to buy up ice cream and smile to yourself.
because the real secret to do something is believe in yourself and enjoy what you do.
Be a butterfly even when the rest of the people look to you like a worm. you have to fly even if your wings are made of paper.
you must fly and find the rainbow behind the rain.
kas words' lover
If you want to learn english you can listening your favorite music or call a friend to wacthing the new movie.