¿Es correcto decir en inglés "My sister told me her secret was"?

Jasmin 25 respuestas
Tengo dudas también en estas oraciones:-" my friend of mine told me where I can buy tickets"-" my father told me how I will save money"
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Jennifer Greenwood
1. This is correct as 'My sister told me her secret' or 'My sister told me what her secret was' 2. You should replace the first 'my' with A 'A friend of mine told me where I can buy tickets.' 3. This is correct. But think about the use of 'will', it might be better with a different modal verb such as 'can'.
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Benito Gallego
3- Also: "My father told me how to save money"
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Elena Cabello
la primera opcion correspondencia con "mi hermana me dijo que su secreto era .., por lo tanto no es correct
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La primera sería "my sister told what was her secret" o "my sister told what her secret was about". La segunda sería "a friend of mine told where I could buy the tickets". La tercera sería "My father told me how to save money".
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Carlos Sauceda
My sister told me what was her secret. A friend of mine told me where I can buy tickets. My father explained to me how to save money. Or My father taught me how to save money.
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Pili Aparicio
-la primera frase está bien. -la segunda (My friend of mine...) no sería correcta. No hace falta que digas "my" y "mine", te sobra el primero. "A friend of mine told me where I could buy tickets". Mi amigo me dijo donde podía comprar las entradas. Could sería mejor que "can". -correcta, pero me gusta más: my father told me how to save money. (Mi padre me dijo CÓMO ahorrar)
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Tyler Fisher
Es mejor si dices “a friend of mine told me...” o “my friend told me...” Es mejor si pones “my father told me how I can/could save money”
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María Iglesias Valcuende
Profesor Verificado
Se debe diferenciar en un principio entre los verbos 'say' y 'tell'. En inglés el verbo say se suele usar para indicar una cosa específica que se te dice mientras que tell se emplea más para contar 'historias' o 'anécdotas'. Desde ese punto de vista se puede señalar que: 1. Al referirse a 'su secreto' se puede emplear 'tell' pero añadiendo 'that' porque introduce una oración subordinada o 'what' que puede sustituir a 'that' cuando se refiere a una cosa u objeto. Si se refiere a una persona debe emplearse 'who' y así, se podría sustituir dicho pronombre según a la materia a la que hace referencia (por 'where' o 'when', por ejemplo). De tal modo, quedaría: 'my sister told me what/that was her secret. 2. Se debe emplear 'say' porque hace alusión a una oración concreta y no a una 'historia'. Así quedaría 'my friend (se elimina' of mine 'porque es una repetición y el inglés es mucho más sintético) say me where I can (porque es posibilidad y no una sugerencia o una obligación, lo cual es una diferencia con el resto de verbos modales del inglés) buy tickets. 3. My father told/say dependiendo si hace referencia solo a la necesidad de ahorrar o bien se refiere más concretamente al mecanismo o forma en que se puede ahorrar. Pero se debe tener en cuenta que dado que la primera parte de la oración emplea un pasado (past simple) la otra debería contener un 'would' en vez de un 'will'. Así resultaría: My father told (sería preferible al said, aunque habría que observar el contexto) how I would save money.
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Sara Rossi
La primera correcta A friend of mine* How to save*
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Profesor Verificado
My sister told me what her secret was- a friend of mine..
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Miryam Ferrer
La primera frase sería :” my sister told me what was her secret / my sister told me her secret “ La segunda : “ my friend told me where I can buy tickets “ La tercera: “ my father told me how to save money “
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Elena De quinta Ramírez
La primera está bien, la segunda sería A friend of mine told me where I COULD buy tickets y la tercera sería muy father told me how I woud save money
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Alexander Vicente Rodríguez
En la primera sería my sister told me which her secret was En la segunda can sería could ya que estas usando el estilo indirecto Lo mismo pasaría en la tercera y habría que cambiar will por would
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Susana Nieto
La primera oración es correcta. La segunda sería a friend of mine told me where I can buy tickets y la tercera es correcta, muy bien jasmin
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Joan Vilà Pau
La traducción correcta sería "A friend of mine told me where I can buy tickets." "My father explained to me how to save money." "My sister told me her secret was ..."
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La primera y la última frase están correctas pero voy a corregir la frase del medio: “A friend of mine told me where I can buy tickets”
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Ariagna Morón
Para alguna necesitaría el contexto. Pero la manera correcta de escribir estas fraser sería: 1. My sister told me which was her secret. 2. A friend of mine told me where I could buy tickets (My y mine es redundante). 3. My father told me how I could save money.
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Misel Alcañiz Collado
En una oración afirmativa siempre tiene que ser el sujeto lo primero de todo ,luego ya sería el verbo y lo que queda de frase ,a no ser de que haya un tiempo por ejemplo (always =siempre)ya iría entre medias del sujeto y el verbo
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Braydhon Villa Idarraga
Están correctas todas.
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Isabel Membrive Jiménez
The first one is right but it is incomplete, for the second you would have to say "a friend of mine asked where could I buy tickets" and in the third you can say, "my father told me how to save money" or my father told me how I would save money"
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“My sister told me her secret” “A friend of mine told me where I could buy tickets” “My father told me how to save money”
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Vibhor Bhandari
There are always different ways to formate a sentence, even though each of them means the same you need to learn when to use which one. For example, it would be " my sister told me that her secret was", we can also say "my sister told me about her secret which was" it's a bit lengthy but more adequate to say. Moving on to the second one, this one is in passive voice and it should be " a friend of mine told me where can I buy tickets". There were two mistakes, first is when your using mine that means you are describing that this person belongs to you or know you in some way so you don't have to choose my in the starting and the second mistake is if there's a question between your sentence then you use verb first (can) before the subject( I ). Also the active voice of this sentence would be my friend told me where can I buy tickets. And the last one know, in this phrase your father gave an advice to you so instead of verb tell we can use suggest here, so the sentence would come up like " my father suggested me how to save money".
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Flory Inglés Rojo
Profesor Verificado
Hi Jasmin, 1) You could better say: a friend of mine told me where I can buy the tickets ... My friend of mine sounds redundant and it is supposed you are referring some tickets specifically, so we use 'the'. 2) It sounds more natural to me: my father told me how to save money or ...how I could save money.
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Ellen Alacid Castro
Correct in the first case. My friend /A friend of mine told me where I could buy tickets. My father told me to save money or how I could save money.
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My sister told me what her secret was. A friend of mine told me where I can buy tickets. My father told me how I could save money.
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