jose 10 respuestas

Una persona te SUMA o te RESTA in English
Judit Godall
6 respuestas
Good afternoon guys!
I am asking again the concept of sumar (add) and restar (substract) when talking about relationships between people.
So, If a given person ( say friend, relative, partner...) SUMA, that person brings positive things, gives you good energy, and brings you more to your life than if or when you were alone. On the contrary, if someone RESTA, that person takes your energy away, They take more from you than desirable, and they don't bring anything new and positive to your life. If two people ( in any relationship between 2 people) SUMAN, they grow and go further, whereas if two people RESTAN, they work exactly the opposite way.
Having said that, is there a translation of those SUMAR Y RESTAR concepts in the English language?
Thank you so much in advance to take your time to read and answer :))
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Top profesores de Inglés en Colombia
John Godbe
Profesor Verificado
Naturally, you aren't going to find "exact" English translations for these in the context of relationships. Your previous question about "sumar en parjea" addresses the case of *intimate* relationships, however for other kinds of relationships (friends, coworkers, etc.) the closest words, from formal to informal, would be "synergize (v)/synergy (n)/synergetic (adj)," "complement (v, n) /complementary (adj)," or "click (v)," or "like two peas in a pod" — but the last two are more akin to "llevarse bien." ... Antonyms include "disharmonize (v)/disharmony (n)/disharmonious (adj)," "friction (n) [between]," "clash (v) with," or "like vinegar and water" — again, the last three imply a degree of *conflict* and are more like "no llevarse bien." ... Lastly, there are colloquial expressions like "to drain/suck [sb's] energy," "[be] a drag/downer," or "[be] a pain in the neck/butt/ass."
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Diego Juarez Diaz
If you're looking for a match idiom, I would say: "That person is a booster, not a drainer".
(inspired in books by Steven Kotler and Vishen Lakhiani)
I hope it helped :)
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Anita U. Amayo
Restan can be "of one mind" "a plus" or "relevant"
While Restan a "taker" "irrelevant"
Sumar y Restar can also be "addition and menos" to whatever relationship.
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Anita U. Amayo
Restan can be "of one mind" "a plus" or "relevant"
While Restan a "taker" "irrelevant"
Sumar y Restar can also be "addition and menos" to whatever relationship.
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Susana Beatriz Schreiner
Estoy de acuerdo contigo. I´m agreed with you.
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Cynthia Silvina Prats Giordano
Good morning Judit! There is no exact translation about what are you asking of, but you can say that the relationship makes you grow as a person, and if it´s not working you can say that the relationship is not working at all, just an idea.
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