Wilfredy Quiroz Hoyos
Apartado, Antioquia
Dear Recruiter, tusclasses
I am writing to express my interest in your posted opening for a new English teacher. Having recently graduated from Fundacion Universitaria Catolica del Norte. I possess a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religious studies. I am looking to apply my skills and abilities to a challenging, growth-oriented positio...
Wilfredy Quiroz Hoyos
Apartado, Antioquia
Dear Recruiter, tusclasses
I am writing to express my interest in your posted opening for a new English teacher. Having recently graduated from Fundacion Universitaria Catolica del Norte. I possess a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religious studies. I am looking to apply my skills and abilities to a challenging, growth-oriented position with a leading company like tusclases.
My hands-on work experience has allowed me to hone the development of my teaching experience and managing groups’ abilities. I am eager for the opportunity to learn from and contribute to your team by applying my teaching skills and helping the company to grow better and better every day with the best service experience ever.
My focus, as an aspiring professional. Is to utilize my teaching strategies and skills, making a positive impact on the overall organization. I enjoy compiling, organizing and analyzing data. Working in groups, and contributing to project strategies. I believe these skills will be valuable in tusclases people concerns with continuing to enhance the excellent reputation of the company.
Please review my enclose resume for additional details. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Wilfredy Quiroz Hoyos.
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