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Vivian Rojas
Vivian Rojas
Localidad Barranquilla
verified Datos verificados time 5 años dando clase
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Vivian Rojas en pocas palabras
Hello , students
My name is Miss Vivian Rojas .I from Barranquilla . I graduated in modern languages at Atlantic University in 2004.I have been teacher for more 15 years.
I like to work wiht children and teens.I develop communicative skills (read,listen, writing and talking) through dynamic methodology in which it rages reading comprehension of different types of texts .I use Technological t...
Hello , students
My name is Miss Vivian Rojas .I from Barranquilla . I graduated in modern languages at Atlantic University in 2004.I have been teacher for more 15 years.
I like to work wiht children and teens.I develop communicative skills (read,listen, writing and talking) through dynamic methodology in which it rages reading comprehension of different types of texts .I use Technological tools throgh Tics and Prove to Know according level of students.
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