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Tania en pocas palabras
Hi everyone

My name is Tania Valencia i have a bachelor degree in early childhood education my English level is around b2-c 1According to the European standards.
I traveled for two years around the United States to practice, improve my English skills and learn about new ideas on how to teach english to others. I have experience teaching English to children and adults in Latin America.
I started...
Hi everyone

My name is Tania Valencia i have a bachelor degree in early childhood education my English level is around b2-c 1According to the European standards.
I traveled for two years around the United States to practice, improve my English skills and learn about new ideas on how to teach english to others. I have experience teaching English to children and adults in Latin America.
I started five years ago with personalized English classes. My teaching style will vary based upon student need as I understand each child learns at a different pace. Delete all the renaming paragraph (for that reason.......that one person can learn).

I love to teach classes using real life experiences, podcast, listening to songs, watching videos and many other great activities for students to develop and practice different skills.
All English areas are very important (listening, talking, residing and. Writing).

I think is very important to practice the speaking part because that is how students will communicate with people in a different country, which is why I try t communicate with my students in English 100% of the time because is the only way of losing that fear of speaking to others or in front of people It is important to say that I try that my classes have a fair price for everyone, so please don’t be afraid to ask me and let me know your budget. I am here to help.

On the weekend I’m available during the morning and in the afternoons. I will be happy to be your teacher
12 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Tania
Alba Ligia Valencia Ruiz y otras 11 personas recomiendan a Tania
Alba Ligia Valencia Ruiz
Tania es una profesora creativa, logra construir un vínculo con el niño el cual facilita la enseñanza- aprendizaje. Es evidente los planeación y preparación se sus clases. Estoy muy a gusto con ella
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Paola Mora
Es una maestra muy dedicada, siempre trae nuevas propuestas, la pedagogía que maneja es adecuada para cada edad al igual que sus actividades. Es muy amorosa y super profesional en lo que hace...
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Tania es una profesora muy buena ya que siempre trata de enseñar con actividades creativas
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