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9 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Judith
David F. y otras 8 personas recomiendan a Judith
David F.
Muy bien ! Agradable y excelente professora ! Muchas gracias.
We were looking for a Spanish teacher who could teach my family (my husband and 2 children) who speak Dutch. We found it difficult to combine one adult and 2 children in the same class, but Judith managed the challenge. She was a fantastic Language tutor, who takes her job incredibly seriously. She was always extremely well prepared for every lesson and remained sufficiently strict without denting their motivation and was very flexible in terms of practicing conversational Spanish. She is able to find a common language with children and deliver the material in an interesting way. They did their homework happily and they expected every lesson with enthusiasm. She got rid of their fear of speaking Spanish by diluting my children the shame of making mistakes. Judith is exactly what my children need to love learning a second language: a creative and smart professional teacher who loves her job. My children and husband began to speak and understand the language much better at the same tim
Tania Gretler
"Excelente! Un curso completísimo y altamente recomendable! Desde el primer instante Judith demostró ser muy organizada, clara y empática. En las clases ella pudo combinar eficazmente la enseñanza del español con otros aspectos fundamentales y complementarios como la cultura, las costumbres, la historia de Argentina y Latinoamérica. Demostró su vasta experiencia con clases bien preparadas, dinámicas y a la vez enriquecedoras, con un plan de estudio completo, con contenidos claros y fáciles de seguir. Todo esto acompañado de material didáctico excelente que es mi guía constante en la actualidad como profesora de español. En sus clases aprendí cómo programar y organizar las clases, a conocer anticipadamente los errores más comunes de los estudiantes, a adaptar las clases y el grado de dificultad según el nivel de los estudiantes. Lo más importante sobre el curso con la profesora Judith, es que al contar ella con tanta experiencia dando clases a estudiantes tan distintos, de todos los
In studying with Judith, I have found a brilliant teacher. She brought with her an extensive background in Spanish Language and literature, along with a positive attitude. Judith is an enthusiastic teacher, a strong encouragement to students, a pragmatic and results-oriented educator, and as a teacher I value that virtue very much! She is extremely well organized and adapts his teaching to her students´ needs. In short, she is very professional and always ready to help her students!!
Roger Gretler
"Ausgezeichnet! Ich empfehle uneingeschränkt, Spanisch bei Prof. Judith zu lernen. Ich muss die Arbeit hervorheben, die sie nicht nur beim Spanischunterricht für ausländische Studenten leistet, sondern auch bei der Organisation der Kurse als Koordinatorin der Lehrergruppe. Sie hat sich sogar im Voraus mit mir in Verbindung gesetzt, um sich über meine Bedürfnisse zu informieren, sich mit meinen Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten mit der Sprache vertraut zu machen, und so gelingt es ihr immer, tatsächlich Meisterkurse zu organisieren und vorzubereiten. Nach jeder Stunde gibt sie mir Hausaufgaben, und wir besprechen die Hausaufgaben in der nächsten Stunde. Die Lehrerin Judith ist eine vielseitig gebildete Person, es ist wirklich interessant, etwas über die spanische Sprache selbst zu lernen und mit ihr über die Kultur der spanischsprachigen Länder zu sprechen und zu lernen. Schließlich werde ich Ihnen immer dankbar sein, Professor Judith!"
Judith is an excellent teacher. Being a teacher myself, I can confirm that studying Spanish with her is easy and uncomplicated. In classes you can talk about future plans, culture, movies, literature, developing fluency in Spanish in a real way. She can explain the grammar and get her students to use it in conversation and after each class, she gives them a written summary of what was taught that day, so at the end of the course, they manage to have a complete course material. She never gives up, no matter what level of Spanish her students have, she manages to make them speak in Spanish, and she is well loved and recognized by students and teachers. You will NEVER get bored of taking classes with her! Always finds a way to make her classes enjoyable and interesting, no matter what your level is or how complicated the subject is. Her courses are a guarantee of success and all of whom I have recommended classes with Judith have thanked me deeply.
Judith a été une excellente professeure d'espagnol. Elle m'a aidée à acquérir les bases de la langue espagnole dans un premier temps. Elle m'a permis d'être très vite opérationnelle, peu après mon arrivée en Argentine. Ensuite j'ai pu poursuivre mon apprentissage au gré de mes envies et de mes disponibilités. Elle a su être flexible au niveau des horaires, ce qui m'a donné la possibilité de ne jamais arrêter mon apprentissage et a su me donner le goût et l'envie de persévérer et d'enrichir mon niveau d'espagnol. Je ne me suis jamais lassée de prendre des cours avec elle et j'ai toujours du plaisir à la recommander, car elle fait l'unanimité auprès de tous ceux qui l'on eue comme professeure! Merci Judith et bonne continuation.
Santiago Geerts
100 % recommended! Excellent, enjoyable and organized classes; Prof. Judith also has great study material: super useful vocabulary lists, grammar, exercises, all for free. I improved my conversation and understanding considerably in no time. Thanks for the patience and enthusiasm, Judith !!! "¡100% recomiendo las clases de la Profe Judith! Clases excelentes, agradables y organizadas; excelente material de estudio: listas de vocabulario súper útiles, gramática, ejercicios, todo gratis. ¡Mejoré mi conversación y comprensión considerablemente en poco tiempo. Gracias por la paciencia y entusiasmo, Judith!!!
Judith is an engaging and dedicated teacher, very dear to all her students. Her broad experience, love for her work and commitment make her the ideal teacher. I’m fortunate to have had her as my teacher. Lianne
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