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Gilda en pocas palabras
I have a degree in Education, and I would like to help you learn or improve the Spanish language.
With constant practice you will be able to expand your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation and grammar; and above all, feel confident to start a conversation.
We will talk about topics that will be of interest to you, perhaps about work or day to day.
I hope to meet you in my class.

I have a degree in Education, and I would like to help you learn or improve the Spanish language.
With constant practice you will be able to expand your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation and grammar; and above all, feel confident to start a conversation.
We will talk about topics that will be of interest to you, perhaps about work or day to day.
I hope to meet you in my class.

Soy Licenciada en Educación, y me gustaría ayudarte a aprender o mejorar el idioma Español.
Con la constante práctica podrás ampliar tu vocabulario, mejorar tu pronunciación y gramática; y sobre todo, sentir confianza para entablar una conversación.
Tocaremos temas que serán de tu interés, tal vez sobre tu área laboral o del día a día.
¡Anímate! Espero conocerte en mi clase.
Zona de Gilda
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