Descripción del anuncio
Graduated in Grain Production Technology from the Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio Verde - GO (2008). Specialization in Ecology by Metropolitan Educação
Ltda (2022). Master in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal University of Viçosa and the Federal Institute Goiano, Campus Rio Verde (2011), Doctor in Agronomy, from the
University of Brasilia (2015). Post-Doctorate at the Evangelical University of Goiás (2021). He served as coordinator of the Agronomy Course at Faculdade Evangélica de Goianésia
(2012) and coordinator of Graduate Studies, Research, Extension and Community Action (2012 to 2017). Researcher member of the South American Mycorrhizal Research Network. He is currently Full Professor and Coordinator of Research, Graduate Studies and International Affairs at Faculdade Evangélica de Goianésia. Advisor in the Graduate
Program in Society, Technology and Environment at the Evangelical University of Goiás - UniEvangélica. He has experience in the field of Agronomy, with an emphasis on Soil
Science and Agricultural Microbiology.