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Perfil de Alexandra Martínez

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

In my experience as a teacher-manager I try to guarantee the quality of education and for this I have built an idea about the relationship between vocation, pedagogy and technology, its purpose is to ensure that the student acquires knowledge , taking into account the Learning Styles and the Context in which they are going to be applied, so that the teaching-learning process reaches high levels...
In my experience as a teacher-manager I try to guarantee the quality of education and for this I have built an idea about the relationship between vocation, pedagogy and technology, its purpose is to ensure that the student acquires knowledge , taking into account the Learning Styles and the Context in which they are going to be applied, so that the teaching-learning process reaches high levels of effectiveness and efficiency.

Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Lengua Castellana y Literatura Clases de Lenguaje, Pensamiento crítico y Literatura Bogotá
Clase Online
$5000/h Ver aviso
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