Perfil de Adriana Rojas

Sobre mi
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Sobre mi

Hi! I am a teacher for 22 years ago, I liking teach my language is so beautiful, I can teach you, and lear me too with you. I teach colombian idioms for make that your communication is better with others persons, choose me practice, and have a funny time learning.

Your teacher Adriana.
Hi! I am a teacher for 22 years ago, I liking teach my language is so beautiful, I can teach you, and lear me too with you. I teach colombian idioms for make that your communication is better with others persons, choose me practice, and have a funny time learning.

Your teacher Adriana.

Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Español Profesor de español para extranjeros Funza
Clase Online
$5000/h Ver aviso
Clases de Español Profesora de español nativa, bogotana, ofrece sus servicios para clases, de habla fluida Mosquera (Cundinamarca), Mosquera (Cundinamarca)
Clase Presencial
$40000/h Ver aviso
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