45 Useful email expressions you need to know

En el trabajo, en la universidad, en la vida... para todo hay que escribir un correo hoy en día. Saber cómo hacerlo bien es esencial para proyectar una buena imagen personal. Si quieres bordarlo en tus e-mails, coge libreta y boli.

Cómo empezar...

Dear Sir/Madam
To whom it may concern
Dear Mr/Ms Jones

Informal expressions:
Hi Mary
Hello Mary

Dear Mary

Por qué estamos escribiendo este email...

I am writing to ask for …
I am writing regarding
I am writing with regard to …
With reference to…

Informal expressions:
Just a quick question about…
I was wondering if…
I wanted to let you know that…

Si queremos pedir algo...

Could you please let me know if …..?
I would appreciate it if you could …
Could we arrange ..?
Please let me know if …

Informal expressions:
I was just wondering if …
Would you mind ….?
Can/Could you ….?

Si estamos de acuerdo en algo que nos han dicho...

I would be delighted to…
Informal expression:
I will be happy to…

O, en cambio, queremos quejarnos...

I am writing to complain about…
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction/disappointment
I regret to say that …

Para disculparnos...

We would like to apologize for …
Please accept our apologies…
Please let us know what we can do to compensate for any damages caused…

Cuando adjuntamos algún documento...

I am attaching….. (my CV)
Attached you will find my CV
I am sending you …..
Please see the ….. attached
Please find attached the file you requested

Concluir nuestro mensaje...

I look forward to your reply….
I look forward to seeing you….
I look forward to hearing from you….
I look forward to hearing from you soon….
I look forward to meeting you …… (next Tuesday)
I look forward to seeing you …… (next Tuesday)

Formas de acabar nuestro email...

Kind regards
Best wishes
Sincere regards

Informal phrases
Take care
See you soon

¡Espero que os sirva de ayuda!

Take care,
