The origin of contemporary dance and its evolution throughout time

To better understand contemporary we have to go way back. It is not clear exactly when contemprary dance was founded or who was he founder of the original idea. Some people argue that its origin is from Eastern customs such as the practice of yoga thanks to the breathing techniques and martial arts because of the stable position, balance and smooth transition from one position to the other. Other historians have another theory and that is that it was originated in European countries.

As we all now contemprary dance is an evolution of either yoga or ballet, but what is different? The ability to be free to explore unconventional movements which have been choosen from many diferent dance styles. The idea is that dancers have the freedom to constantly create and not get stuck with one posture or movement. Such as quick oppositional moves, changing the place on stage quickly, working on different speeds of breathing and showing real pasion through true emotion.

Contemporary dance tries to find all of the bodies limits and push them to move in as many ways as possible.Some of the fundamental body practices for contemporary dance are:

  • Flexibility
  • Understanding and use of improvisation
  • Use of space and levels
  • Intesity in movement phrases
  • Building stamina and expression.

Historically there are many important people throughout contemporary dance history but I will mention two very important woman.

  1. Isadora Duncan : Who was called mother of modern dance. Who concentrated on the strict coreographic movements and sharp lines including honest emotiions and feelings.
  2. Martha Graham : Who focused on the contract and release technique which originates from the center of the body where the breathing is most concentrated.

As we can see contemporary dance is about feeling, connecting the memories with the moment and expressing them through movement.
