Una explicación sencilla y efectiva para aprender el "present simple"

En este articulo, redactado en inglés, os dejaré la estructura del present simple y además, las ocasiones en las que este se puede utilizar. Si estás iniciándote en el inglés, guárdate este post porque te resultará muy práctico para aprender el idioma.

Present Simple.

Structure of the Present Simple tense:

  • I, you, we, they + infinitive
  • he/she/it + infinitive + s
  • Examples
  • You work.
  • She works.
  • You don’t work.
  • She doesn’t work.
  • Do you work?
  • Does she work?

Como ayudar a tu hijo a aprender inglés y que se convierta en su segunda lengua
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What are the SIGNAL WORDS that go with this tense?

  • Always, usually, generally, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, whenever, nowadays, these days, from time to time, every now and then, most/much of the time, it’s/that’s the last time etc...

Do we use the present simple for general truths?

  • Where does the sun rise and set?
  • How many continents/oceans are there in the world?

Do we use the present simple for current habits and routines?

  • What do you do at the weekends?
  • Do you smoke or do you know anyone who smokes?

Do we use the present simple for more permanent situations and states?

  • Where do you study/work?
  • Where do you live?

Do we use the present simple for telling jokes and other informal stories?

  • Tell me a joke using the present simple like this:
  • A donkey walks in the bar and asks....

Do we use the present simple for live sports commentary?

  • Do a bit of commentary using the present simple like this: Messi passes the ball to Ronaldo. Ronaldo shoots and scores.

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Hay muchas personas que deciden empezar a estudiar inglés cuando son adultos. Ya sea porque lo requieren en el trabajo, debido a q...

Do we use the present simple for newspaper headlines?

  • Mention some newspaper headlines.
  • An earthquake hits Haiti.

Do we use the present simple for reviews and summaries?

  • Do a review of a movie.
  • Do a review of a series.

Do we use the present simple for instructions and directions?

  • Give me the directions to the town hall from here.
  • Go straight, turn left and walk for 5 minutes until you reach a junction ...

Do we use the present simple for proverbs and sayings?

  • Do you know any proverbs and sayings?
  • Don’t judge the book by its cover.
  • What goes around comes around.

Do we use the present simple for the future for fixed events/itineraries?

  • What time do shops open and close in your area?
  • What time does the next bus leave for the capital of your country from your city?

Do we use the present simple for the future in time clauses?

  • I can see dark clouds, so what will you do if it starts to rain?
  • Will you go out with your friends if it starts to rain?

Do we use the present simple auxiliary verb DO/DOES to emphasise contrast?

  • You don’t know much about rocket science, but talk about something you do know a lot about.
  • You don’t think a lot about the political situation in Japan, but talk about something you do think about a lot.

Do we use the present simple auxiliary verb DO/DOES to emphasise strong feeling?

  • Talking about playing board games, would you say that you do like playing board games?
  • Talking about eating chicken, would you say that you do like eating it or not?